On Writing: Wonder and Beauty

I’ve had to dump a surprising number of Kindle samples in the past year-plus due to pure ugliness. I find this more than a bit bewildering. Yet sample after sample I’ve run across, if they’re not in first person present tense (argh), riddled with typos in the first few pages (why), or have a main character whose only acquaintance with morals would have been the dictionary, if they’d ever read a dictionary…. Continue reading

Book Review: The Withdrawing Room

The Withdrawing Room, by Charlotte MacLeod (1980). I’m giving this five out of five as one of my long-time comfort cozy mystery reads; most of the author’s books are in Kindle version, but if you can find an old paperback, more power to you – it’s a nice little book.

It’s actually the second in the series; The Family Vault was first. Continue reading

Worldbuilding: Hunting Relics

If you’ve seen the show Relic Hunter, you already know it’s campy, a bit pulpy, and plays rather fast and loose with actual history. (*Cough cough understatement cough.*)

Even so, there’s a particularly interesting alternate-history aspect in the show that deserves a second look. That’s the ongoing presence through their history of tombs, traps, and riddles that all work to the present day. Continue reading

The Ultimate Hardback of Ultimate Destiny

Sometimes you just run across a typo that gives you pause. I’d watched a Skallagrim vid on armor and how effective it sometimes isn’t against swords. Short version, even in full plate impact damage can still take you down and the spine of some swords can deliver a lot of it. Afterward I went down to check the comments, to see if there were any more interesting facts. Where I stumbled across a bit about, “only a few dozen armed novels fell on the field, the rest were taken as hostages.” Continue reading