Cold Light Crossover Ficbit – Miffed

Elsie shaded her eyes, peered toward the rotor flash of the helicopter Godzilla had chased off. “Wonder what all that was about?”

Storing away their Zodiac, Nick shrugged. Monique was already on the radio, Randy half a step behind; if anyone could find answers, they would. “Hope it wasn’t a rescue flight.” Human emergencies didn’t translate well to a miffed mutated reptile. A reptile who, the irked feeling rumbling through his mind reminded him, had been peacefully minding his own business when a nasty, noisy, smelly helicopter chased a nastier, noisier, smellier boat into his territory.

Flexible idea of territory, the mutation biologist noted mentally. As far as they could tell, Godzilla had two separate concepts of territory. One better fit the ecological term of “home range”; the tri-state area in and around the Big Apple, including a fair amount of the Atlantic, where Godzilla hunted most of the time.

The other – the one that had taken a lot longer to figure out – seemed to consist of a variable amount of space around wherever Nick happened to be. I wonder… seems to vary based on the velocity of hostile intruders, the biologist considered. Is he estimating distance? Attacking at a radius that will give him time to react-

Wait. Was that a scream?

“Nick?” Elsie dangled a towel in front of his face, wry smile sparkling in green eyes. Fun was good, but now that they’d checked and double-checked there weren’t any tachyon beams in the area, the paleontologist was just as eager as the rest of them to find out what was really behind the reports of “weird lights” in Cascade. “Time to come in, kiddo.”

“Hang on.” Curiosity touched his mind, brightened with a flash of amusement. What’s going on? he asked his charge.

A scent of sandalwood and fur. A rush of not-quite-understood words – help and down were in there somewhere. An image of a small human, sopping wet, clinging to Godzilla’s ball as if his life depended on it.

Someone else out here? They’d been in the cool Pacific nearly an hour, playing with Godzilla, but they were wearing wetsuits. No one would be this far out in regular clothes. Not without a good reason.

Like getting dumped off a boat?

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