Path of Lava Crossover Ficbit – Calling the Cops

Fox-mischief glimmered in violet. “Besides, one must make sure Misao hasn’t hurt the Kinfolk outside too badly.”

“Wha- Misao’s here?” Kaoru blurted. “Oh no!”

“You have loyal students, Kamiya-sensei,” Kenshin nodded, opening the door. “She fought the Delirium itself to protect you. One only needed to send the true Get fleeing, and – well.” He slid into the night like a fox into mist, vanishing toward faint, high yells.

“-And that’s for Kaoru! And that one’s for me!” Yelps, groans, and swears were not-so-subtle counterpoints to each high scream. “And if any of you is going to be idiotic enough to move, I’m going to start all over again!


“I swear, I – R-Rurouni?” Misao’s grip loosened on the heavy branch she’d been using to tattoo her unhappiness on various netted and bound Get Kinfolks’ skulls. “Kaoru!”

Kaoru caught an armful of shivering graduate student. “Misao. It’s okay, it’s over.” For now. But if the local Garou found out a human had been here in the middle of a challenge, a human who’d tried to fight the Delirium, and so might hold onto memories the Veil should wipe away… Misao’s life would be measured in days. Kami, what a mess.

“I c-c-called the cops,” the younger woman snuffled in Kaoru’s arms, shaking, colder than the night air could account for. “I d-don’t know what happened here, but they t-tried to kill you….”

“Oh no,” Kaoru groaned.

“It’s well, Kaoru-dono,” Kenshin said gently, head tilted as if he caught the first faint sounds of sirens. “The policemen are our friends, ne?” He winked.

Kaoru opened her mouth. Closed it again. Uramura. He wants these guys.

And the detective was hengeyokai himself. He’d know how to hold a Garou who didn’t want to be held.

Letting out a breath of relief, she patted Misao on the back. “Come on. Let’s get you warm.”

17 thoughts on “Path of Lava Crossover Ficbit – Calling the Cops

    1. Not well. Personally in this verse, I’d go hard option on the vamps. IDK why, but this flavor of vampire has me pissed off to a degree I rarely get. I think it was them planning to rough up someone to ensure Kaoru was single. That made me consider at the very least the hard option of Blades of Blood. As in Texas style “needed killing”, which is the absolute first time I’ve felt that way since I can recall.

      Just proves that Vathara is a great writer, to evoke such emotion from just a paragraph!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I don’t like either gang.

        Even if the local vampire is more Mafia than Zetas.

        I think… part of the rage may be that the consideration SHOWS they have a functioning brain.

        But instead of, oh, going up to the Kinfolk and TALKING?

        “Make sure she dies alone”.


        Great, you are better than the local werewolves… who are ignoring that, by having a cannibal in their midst, they’re no different from a vampire that always kills.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. :wry: Vampires, werewolves, and pirates/ highwaymen/ gangsters/ organizedcriminals — three groups of commonly romanticized characters where I simply cannot get past the you know what they do to people, right? response.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Part of the reason I thought it would be fun for Karou to turn out to be Get kinfolk and have their kids breed true to that side is every one has an intolerance/berzerk button.

        I could just see one of them having “every one of those bastards who f-ed with my mother” as theirs.

        “Papa taught us discipline, control and the honor to know when to not let go. But give me one single reason, just one, and I will end you without batting an eye.”

        Liked by 3 people

      4. I understand completely. It’s hitting my “You’re telling me how to live my life? Here’s what I think of that!”-button. Thankfully no one in real life has been a idiot to press it, but oh boy do some fictional characters hit it hard to the point I wish they were real just so that I could show what I think of them.

        And yes, Vathara is that good of an author, whether in fanfiction or original works.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Misao is working her way up to Kinfolk status by pure grit, me thinks. Granted, I’m not entirely firm on that part of the crossover, but if anyone can pull it off, it’s one of these people.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. She seems subdued for an Italian lady, but apparently that is the tonsillitis not letting her use her normal energy. Two hyper people is kinda scary…. 🙂

      Anyway, the guy was on Suits, and married better than Meghan Marble did, heh.

      Liked by 2 people

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