A Bit of Writing Inspiration Music

Sometimes writing works a lot better if you can prime your brain with good music first. Here’s some!

Though not all music. The first bit is an action scene… a very funny action scene.

Ryo Saeba and Makimura VS Gangsters | City Hunter Opening Fight (2024)

Airwolf for 8 Cellos


X-Men: The Animated Series

Knight Rider


Power Rangers

And because you can never have too many versions of good theme music to inspire action writing…. Some of KOSmusic’s take on themes!

Knight Rider


The Addams Family

And a few more I found for fun.

Street Hawk Theme (Enzo Margaglio Remake)

Automan Theme (Enzo Margaglio Remake)

…Ahem. Yeah, I needed some upbeat stuff lately. 😉

25 thoughts on “A Bit of Writing Inspiration Music

  1. This was on loop in my head for a week and a half thanks to a fandom that I only know through fanfiction. No, this song was never mentioned in any of the stories, but they invoked that vibe intensely.

    And this is my latest song obsession


  2. Discovered that you can play YouTube playlists in the YouTube Music app as audio tracks. Which means if you’ve got a pile of YouTube music you listen to, it will play nice with Apple Carplay and Android Auto.

    Which is handy in travel, because pretty much everything I listen to is esoteric music on YouTube.

    Case in point:

    I’m not even sure which group did this one, or what the title even is. Just that it exists and is fun.


      1. Music with no lyrics you say? How about another in a fairly different genre?

        One of the things that fascinates me with the touhou fan music is how broad the interpretations end up being. A single character’s theme can have many widely divergent interpretations with widely different emotional themes, yet still work and still fit the character.


      2. We’ll have to figure out some way to communicate without stacking Crossover’s comment section…

        But one last one:

        This one was interesting. I saw it before the translation was posted, and though she was having a conflict between duty and love, and noped so hard it turned into the fanfic thing. (Basically I thought he was courting her, those we gifts he’d given her, and that she was receptive but felt like she was obligated to reject it.)

        Turns out the actual story there is completely different.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Right now my DnD group has a Pirate game going on and we are using this specific version of Randy Dandy as the opening.

        Man the Cannons makes me want to play another pirate game where we all are Bards… The video is just awesome!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Deadwood-Really Slow Motion is one of my battle themes.

    2Weis’s Pushing On Pandora Edition is another.

    If I need Boss music: The Almighty from Persona 4 or X-ray Dog

    for Shrine/calming music: Rabx32’ s

    Flute/Woodwind Knight


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