Colors of Another Sky: Outsider POV

One thing that sometimes gets missed in isekai stories is, while we often get to see how strange the new world is from the Earth character’s POV, sometimes we never get a chance to see how strange Earth-related stuff looks to the “locals”. Continue reading

On Writing: Sewing Up Plotholes

One of the writing tricks to get you to the end of your first draft is, when you get stuck, writing “X goes here” and moving on, so that you can get to “The End” before your courage and inspiration runs out. Of course then once you do reach The End, you have holes in the plot to go fill in. This is not quite the same as a plothole, but it can lead to you uncovering plotholes you missed in the hurry to get The Idea down on paper. Which, amazingly, can eventually lead to a stronger story. Continue reading