What Comes Around Ch 22 bit – mascot

The elderly nun drew herself up straight. “Save the subtle threats, Agent Haughn. I am not afraid.”

“Sister.” Haughn’s Boston accent was even flatter than usual. “When I threaten you, it won’t be subtle.”

“Stop it.” Alan was on his feet, even if Morgan kept a hand bracing him. “Just stop. Don’t you get it? This is how the Shays have kept this going all these centuries! They find a wedge, they find where people don’t trust each other, and then they split everybody who’d stop them apart. So stop it.” He met Haughn’s gaze. “She did what she thought was right. You don’t have to like it. Just respect it.” He took a breath, turning toward Sister Thomasina-

That wasn’t just Morgan’s hand bracing him. Aladdin’s was, too.

“My mom is dead.” Alan wasn’t going to let his voice shake. “She never got to do what she planned. So maybe you ought to think about that, Sister. Because Mom was a reporter.”

And here’s where I bluff.

“And I have her notes.”

It wasn’t a lie. He did. At least all the ones that still existed. Mrs. Silversmith and his father had seen to that; and if he was angry they’d cleaned out the condo then he was going to be angry about it later, someplace he could take it out on a few rocks instead of people. Because maybe he didn’t like his father’s wife, but she’d been honest: Boston was too hot for him to stay, and leaving anything behind was an invitation to have it destroyed, or worse. And if Richard was his father, then they were going to act like responsible parents and get everything he still owned out of the death zone.

So he had Anne’s notes. And his own.

Now I get to see what Sister thinks I’d do with them.

Judging by how she paled, it wasn’t good.

From that hiss of Richard’s breath, his father found that the absolute last straw.

“It’s a good thing we’re going home, Uncle Simon,” Aladdin put in, before anyone could explode. “I learned a lot. But Boston’s been kind of… really not fun.”

“Remind me to tell you about Antarctica sometime,” Simon reflected. “Although at least in Antarctica, no one was shooting at me.” He rubbed his hands together, and gave Drakon his best devil-may-care grin. “And I told you, our home is your home, as long as you need it. You are coming, aren’t you? My students could use a proper character study for an Honest FBI Agent-”

How you could hear the capitals in that, Alan wanted to find out.

“-they always overplay the role.” Violet brows arched, he glanced at Maria’s little kid-pack. “Plus, we need someone to help us train up all these little Hamlets. Hopefully with far better survival instincts than their namesake, everyone dies at the end is just the wrong way to end a good story! And given what happened last season – well, the next game our Mascot will prevail through the power of adorable! And overwhelming numbers.”

23 thoughts on “What Comes Around Ch 22 bit – mascot

  1. …Now I *really* want to know about the mascot. Are they going to have the kidpack swarm the opposition?
    Honestly, there was so much win in this segment, I don’t even know where to start. But seriously, that nun should offer up a prayer of thanks that this pack of crazy is leaving town, because none of them like her much right now…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. They might. Then again, it should be a month or two to football season proper and the Generals and our Trio may have gotten the kids past the “oh, that’s an awesome idea!” reaction to Simon’s (ahem) excellent ideas.

      …Or not. We’ll see. 😉

      Liked by 2 people

  2. >>From the hiss of Richard’s breath, his father found that the absolute last straw.
    Bristly!Simon and now Bristly!Richard? Oh, so my favorite. I think I just love bristly!protective!MINE! May be why I like dragons actually…

    And this is certainly an interesting look at Boston. And Aladdin is so ready to shake the dust of Boston off his feet, Simon is ready to do the same with the added bonus of tossing Domingo and Family over his shoulder while whistling for Alan’s kid pack to follow. Ok, I find Simon as the devilish cat way, way too fun. I have way too much fun imaging him.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I like Charlotte MacLeod’s mysteries, a lot of which are set in and around Boston, but I’ve dealt with the mindset up there in person and… well, if you fit in, you’re fine. If you’re a nonconformist who doesn’t prevail to the current standards of nonconformity, though, you are toast.


      1. …There are standards of nonconformity? Doesn’t that somewhat defeat the purpose? -.-?


  3. Given Maria’s skills, I have a sneaking suspicion that the opposing team is going to pounce on the tiny hooded Hancock mascot and suddenly find it’s raining children.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. There are definitely standards for non-conformity, sometimes for good reasons, sometimes for odd reasons, and sometimes for bad reasons. (On the first example, predators tend to blend in really well in societies that throw out a lot of rules before they set up new ones.)

    I’m looking forward to seeing more of everyone in Hancock.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Interesting . . .

    Yes, divine and conquer is a classic tactic for a reason . . . it works.

    The streak of considered upstanding citizen meaning disapproves / dislikes / distrusts Alan continues I see. *sigh*

    Even when he has been helping you and helping others, you still don’t trust him and I don’t think it was just because his mother was a reporter and he’s been known to write blogs . . . and I think the Hancock crew and the Silversmiths are both getting very tired of this attitude . . .

    Sorry, if he refuses to sacrifice the one or the few for your many but Alan strikes me as the sort who would rather set fire to Omelas after rescuing the scapegoat than just walk away or live there pretending there is no scapegoat . . . Simon probably would too, come to think of it.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. He would indeed. Alan’s problem was he was the scapegoat. Why do you think Sister Thomasina doesn’t trust him? She knows he’s more moral than the “upstanding citizens”… and what does that say about the people she approves of, about her, and what she’s doing? Yow.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I just. . . .I keep being reminded of something I once heard someone say about the Exalted setting. A Major power figure in setting was given a choice several thousand years back. He could risk everything – literally all of Creation – by taking his concerns to the once righteous but now decadent rulers of the world and force them to look what they’d become in the eye. He knew absolutely – thanks to divination – there were equal chances of them ignoring him and everything sliding off the slippery slope into utter ruination, or of them heeding him and taking steps to redeem themselves and once more be the rulers the world needed. His other option was to conspire with oppressed servants in a genocidal coup which would Ensure the world survived but was. . . reduced. In game you’re supposed to play one of those divine rulers come again. New to your power but also not yet taken by the corruption that had claimed your past life. And dealing with 5000+ years of the world limping along while beset by problems no one group could handle with everyone at each other’s throats. As someone once said ‘In a setting that runs on Rule of Cool and populated by Epic Heroes he chose the safe bet. Since then the world has been slowly dying by inches.’

        Kinda like he made a smart choice, but not the right one for his setting. Sister Thomasina. . . feels like she made the same mistake here.

        Magi is in part a glorious series because it doesn’t pull its punches: Slavery is horrific but accepted over much of the world; super powers loom over their neighbors and race to bloody war head on; good people die no matter how hard you fight for them; madmen behind the scenes plot the utter annihilation of the world.

        But it gives the amazingly genuine message that in spite of all of that at the end of the day the good guys can still win. You can make the world a better place, just by living your life bravely and as best you can. In fact, living your life to your best is all it takes to make a better world.

        And being brave and doing the right thing! Risking it all that people can be better than they are! Refusing to compromise and fighting for the safety and happiness of every last person every step of the way. . . All of these can pay off. Indeed, are the right thing to do.

        Sister Thomasina made a safe choice, based on the risks she saw. I feel like her choice wasn’t necessarily the wrong one. But it was wrong for her setting. And she didn’t really have any way to know that.

        I guess the next question, the real question for her, is ‘what does she do now that she knows she chose wrong’? Does she keep on as she was? Blame it all on her scapegoats (new or old)? Or does she take a look at the mistakes she’s made and make a change?


    1. Sane who? *Goes to look up.*

      …Okay, now I need to wash my brain. Just from the smidge of info on “Targaryen madness” and its source brought up by quick Google-fu.

      There are reasons I don’t read Game of Thrones. Lots of. One of them being that the author obviously fails biology forever. That degree of inbreeding wouldn’t just lead to madness – it leads to demonstrable drops in IQ to the literal “imbecile” level.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Major character death is one thing, but when its main purpose seems to be to hammer in the theme that death is meaningless and doesn’t happen for a reason – or, less charitably, for shock value – ? Maybe not for me, thanks, I think I’ll pass on the exercise in cruel Dadaism. That was pretty much my experience with ASoIaF. (I’d alraady agreed with a friend to catch up with the series, though, so the sentiment remained theoretical.)

        Liked by 1 person

      2. IMHO, fiction is supposed to be better than real life. So sure, in RL we have plenty of meaningless death. Why do we need it in fiction? If you’re going to kill off a character, let them go out in style! Make it worth it! Because if you’ve done your job as a writer, the readers have connected with the character and they care. Killing someone just “because” – that’s not playing fair with readers.

        Liked by 2 people

  6. I think G.R.R.M. is going for the longest “Rock Falls, Everybody Dies” in the history of fiction. He also says that he writes in everyone who writes him to complain about his books into his books and kills them off horribly.


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